Heart Chakra Healing will help you experience selfless love and compassion.
What is Heart Chakra?
Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra in the human body.
It is located at the center of the chest (not over the heart itself) and is represented by the color green and by the element of air.
In Sanskrit it is called “Anahata”, and is widely known by the following names:
- Fourth chakra
- Heart chakra
- Green chakra
- Anahata chakra
Love Chakra Meaning
Heart chakra is linked to:
- Love
- Compassion
- Hope
- Forgiveness
This energy center corresponds to the ages of 21 to 28. Experiences and traumatic events that took place during this period of life define the functionality of the Heart Chakra.
Blocked Heart Chakra Symptoms
When the heart chakra is out of balance various physical and emotional issues might occur.
Emotional issues:
- You feel lonelily and abandoned.
- Cannot commit to interpersonal relationships.
- Cannot show compassion and empathy for yourself and others.
- Cannot accept yourself.
- Inability to trust yourself and others.
- You often act from the role of rescuer or victim.
- You feel betrayed.
- You experience grief.
Physical issues:
- Issues with heart, lungs, chest, and arms.
- Asthma, bronchitis.
- Circulatory system disorders.
How to Open Heart Chakra?
Shamanic techniques can help you cleanse and balance your heart chakra by removing the toxic energies and energetic cords around it, as well as by clearing the imprints of trauma from your energy field.
Emotional and Physical symptoms of Heart Chakra Opening
- You surrender to love.
- You feel compassion and empathy.
- Freedom, joyfulness, and peace.
- You become open to all the experiences in life.
- Become less attached to material things.
- You can truly connect to yourself, the earth, and your loved ones.
A balanced heart chakra allows us to integrate the masculine and feminine aspects of ourselves and experience them in harmony.