What to expect after a Soul Retrieval

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what to expect after a Soul Retrieval

Soul retrieval is a shamanic healing practice that aims to recover and reintegrate fragmented elements of your soul that have been lost because of trauma.

It is considered one of the most advanced shamanic techniques that bring about deep healing and transformation.

After a Soul Retrieval session, you should expect the following outcomes:

  • A renewed sense of peace, and wholeness.
  • An increased ability to be present and enjoy the moment.
  • A deeper connection with the world around you.
  • An ability to speak your truth and pursue your dreams.
  • A higher sense of purpose.
  • A lift in your mood and decrease in feelings of depression and anxiety.
  • Increased happiness, joy, and lightness.
  • Resolution of past relationships and conflicts.
  • An enhanced ability to focus and make decisions.

  • More consistent and stable emotions, with fewer extreme highs and lows.
  • A renewed sense of belonging in this world.
  • Healing of old wounds and unresolved trauma.
  • Expression and release of negative feelings that will make you feel relieved.
  • Increased vitality, aliveness, and passion for life.
  • Expanded perceptions and awareness, leading to heightened intuition and clarity of thought.
  • A stronger and deeper connection to your inner self.
  • Positive changes in your behavior and lifestyle as you reintegrate the lost parts of your soul.
  • You can set healthier boundaries and let go of habits that no longer serve you.
  • Vivid dreams can occur as your subconscious mind processes the new soul elements.
  • Some individuals feel physical sensations such as tingling, or a sense of lightness. These sensations are temporary and part of the body’s process of adjusting to the reintegrated energy.
  • Improvements in physical health and reduction in chronic pain or other ailments.

Remember that everyone’s experience is unique, so allow yourself the time and space to integrate the changes fully.

A part of your soul has been waiting for years – are you ready to welcome it back and become whole again?