Breaking Soul Ties

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breaking soul ties

Breaking soul ties is an ancient shamanic technique that aims to release a toxic soul connection between individuals.

What is a soul tie?

A soul tie is an emotional and spiritual connection between you and another person that implies a strong link at the level of the soul. These connections are usually formed through intense relationships, shared experiences, or spiritual interactions. Soul ties can be positive, fostering a sense of closeness and understanding, or negative, potentially leading to emotional distress, and mental health issues.

Signs of soul ties

The common signs associated with soul ties include:

  • Intense emotional bond: Feeling an unusually strong emotional link with someone that goes beyond ordinary relationships.
  • Empathy and intuition: Having a heightened sense of empathy or intuition about the other person’s feelings and thoughts.
  • Unexplained attraction: Feeling drawn to someone without clear reasons, especially if the emotions are intense and hard to explain.
  • Shared experiences: Having shared profound life experiences or traumatic events that create a lasting bond.
  • Telepathic connection: Feeling a sense of communication with the other person that goes beyond verbal or physical interaction.
  • Hard moving on: Finding it challenging to move on from the relationship emotionally or spiritually, even after physical separation.
  • Dream connections: Experiencing vivid dreams or a sense of connection with the person on a subconscious level.

How to break a soul tie?

Shamanic practices offer a profound and effective approach to breaking soul ties that involves the following steps:

  • Initial discussion: At the beginning of the session, we discuss the signs you experience that make you feel you have a strong bond with an individual.
  • Assessment: I will assess your energy field to identify the soul ties and understand their impact on you.
  • Removal: Utilizing shamanic techniques, I will clear the soul ties and cut the underlying energetic cords.
  • Healing: In this step, I will cleanse all affinities that have attracted the soul ties into your life. This crucial step provides deep healing, ensuring that soul ties will not be created again in the future.


  • Emotional freedom: Breaking a soul tie often leads to emotional liberation. You may experience a sense of freedom from negative emotions, such as attachment, resentment, or emotional dependency.
  • Empowerment: Breaking a soul tie will empower you to reclaim your autonomy and make choices based on your well-being.
  • Improved mental health: It can contribute to improved mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions.
  • Healthier relationships: It will enable you to set boundaries, communicate more effectively, and engage in mutually beneficial relationships.
  • Spiritual growth: There may be a positive impact on your spiritual growth as you release yourself from energies that hinder your spiritual journey.
  • Increased self-awareness: It will allow you to become more aware of your needs, desires, and boundaries, contributing to personal growth.


Soul ties are strong emotional and spiritual bonds between you and another individual. A strong connection with someone along with a heightened sense of intuition and attraction are common signs of a soul tie. Shamanic healing provides an ancient practice to permanently release soul ties.

Take a deep breath and ask yourself: “Am I ready to break free from a soul tie?”

If the answer is yes, schedule your session now.