Shaman Entity Extraction

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shaman entity extraction

Shaman entity extraction is a shamanic healing technique that can help you release intrusive entities and bring you back into peace and harmony.

It is known by several terms, such as shamanic entity extraction, spiritual extraction, and shamanic entity removal. But all these terms reflect the same shamanic process.

What is an entity?

Entities, also called intrusive entities, are souls or spirits that missed their way home. They have lost their direction in the journey towards the realms of spirit and attach themselves to humans. 

Intrusive entities connect to the central nervous system as they look for energy and create a parasite-like relationship with the person. They act like viruses, embed themselves in the energy field, and move around the body.

Usually, entities are weak, but sometimes they are strong enough so it feels like they have their personality.

Entities may be of various types:

  • Deceased partners or relatives looking for help.
  • Former selves of us that have been awakened.
  • Discarnate spirits seeking healing.

Why do I attract intrusive entities?

Humans attract entities because they have either affinities or connections to them. If you have had depression for years, you may attract a spirit who died a few years ago in deep sadness.

The spirits of deceased friends, partners, and relatives may approach you seeking healing as they are emotionally bound to you.

A grandmother who died accidentally in a car accident may be trapped between this world and the world of spirit and look for assistance from her son or granddaughter.

Symptoms of intrusive entities

The following are the typical signs and symptoms that an entity may be present:

  • Emotional outbursts.
  • Thinking, emotional and behavioral patterns that look foreign to you.
  • Feeling that you cannot control yourself.
  • A sensation that there is a “being” within you that is trying to take control of you.
  • Feeling that sometimes you do not recognize yourself.
  • You may feel the presence of one or more “beings” living within you.
  • Detachment from your emotions.

Entity extraction process

Shamans have developed an effective process to help you release from foreign entities so that deep transformation can happen.

First, the shamanic practitioner extracts the entity into a specialized quart crystal and then calls her/his spiritual guides to navigate the spirit to its way home.

An illumination process always follows as the last step, in order to combust all the remaining energies along with the affinities that attracted the intrusive energy to a certain human.

Shaman entity extraction can bring rapid healing and help you heal from behaviors, patterns, and thoughts foreign to you.