compassionate depossession

Compassionate Depossession

Compassionate Depossession is a shamanic healing technique that will help you release spiritual entities, energies, or attachments. Compassionate Depossession Meaning Shamans believe that negative or intrusive entities can attach themselves to a person, causing a range of physical, emotional, mental, and psychological disturbances. These entities […]

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power retrieval

Power Retrieval

Power retrieval is an advanced shamanic practice that will help you recover your lost vitality, energy, and power. What is Shamanic Power Retrieval? Shamans believe that painful life experiences and trauma can lead to the dissociation of your life force. The fragments of power can […]

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Shaman Online

Shaman online refers to the practice of conducting shamanic healing sessions through digital platforms such as video calls, online chat, and email. This virtual approach has opened up new possibilities for individuals seeking healing and spiritual guidance, regardless of their geographic location. What is an […]

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space clearing

Space Clearing

Space clearing, an ancient practice that originates from various cultures, offers a way to cleanse and rejuvenate our homes, offices, spaces, and businesses. What is Space clearing? Space clearing is a profound ritual that goes beyond traditional methods of cleansing living spaces. Rooted in spiritual […]

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healing toxic shame

Healing Toxic Shame

Healing toxic shame is a powerful journey toward self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, and inner transformation What is toxic shame? Toxic shame is a core belief and a pervasive feeling that we are fundamentally flawed, unworthy, or unlovable. It permeates every aspect of your being, affecting […]

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soul healing

Soul Healing

Soul healing is the process of restoring the soul to its natural state of wholeness. What is Soul? The soul is the essence of your being, the eternal aspect of yourself that exists beyond the physical body. It encompasses your deepest emotions, thoughts, consciousness, and […]

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ancestral healing

Ancestral Healing

Ancestral healing is the process of addressing unresolved issues and traumas passed down from previous generations. Ancestral trauma can be inherited through generations and causes patterns of emotional disorders and health issues. What is Ancestral Trauma? Ancestral trauma refers to the trauma (pain, suffering) that […]

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treating depression without antidepressants

Treating depression without antidepressants

Treating depression without antidepressants tends to be a common request to doctors and therapists around the world. Depression affects the daily life of more and more people worldwide. According to the latest statistics, nearly 10% of Americans suffer from depression. Permanent sadness, frustration, futility, and […]

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shaman entity extraction

Shaman Entity Extraction

Shaman entity extraction is a shamanic healing technique that can help you release intrusive entities and bring you back into peace and harmony. It is known by several terms, such as shamanic entity extraction, spiritual extraction, and shamanic entity removal. But all these terms reflect […]

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what is soul loss

What is Soul Loss?

“What is Soul loss?” has been the question that made me read the first book about Shamanism around 15 years ago. It has been the begging of an epic journey that led me to become a shamanic practitioner myself. Today, I felt the calling to […]

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