Third Eye Opening brings enlightenment, wisdom, and spiritual awakening.
What is Third Eye?
3rd Eye is the sixth chakra in the human body and the first of the Sky Chakras.
It is located in the middle of the forehead and is represented by the indigo color and by the Pure light element.
In Sanskrit, it is called “Ajna” and is known by the following names:
- Sixth chakra
- Third Eye chakra
- Indigo chakra
- Pineal gland chakra
- Ajna chakra
Third Eye Meaning
3rd Eye is connected to:
- Knowledge
- Clarity
- Non-Duality
- Higher consciousness.
- Spiritual insight
- Intuition
Blocked Third Eye Chakra
The list below illustrates the symptoms and signs your third eye is blocked.
- Doubt
- Uncertainty
- Lack of desire and purpose.
- You are spiritually arrogant. You think you have attained universal spiritual truths.
- Disconnection from your instincts.
- Your intuition is blocked.
- Sadness
- Stress and Anxiety.
- Mood imbalances.
- Lack of imagination.
- Sleep imbalances.
- Sensitivity to light.
- Serotonin (happy hormone) imbalances that can lead to depression.
How to Open Your Third Eye?
Shamanic tools will help you open your third eye chakra by:
- Removing the toxic energy and sludge stuck to it.
- Balancing it, if it is overactive or underactive.
- Extracting toxic crystalized energies penetrated it.
- Cutting energetic cords linked to it.
- Clearing the imprints of trauma from your Energy Field.
Emotional and Physical Symptoms/Signs of Third Eye Opening
- You realize and express your True Self. You know who you really are.
- You transcend body and mind; you experience spiritual awareness.
- You feel a slight pressure on your forehead.
- Greater intuition and imagination.
- You often experience vivid dreams that you can remember.
- You control what you eat and select more whole/natural foods.
- Your serotonin and mood imbalances subside.
- Sleep quality improves.
- The feelings of doubt, fear, and uncertainty disappear.
- You feel connected with the universe.
- Your life purpose becomes clear.