Shamanic Extraction

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shamanic extraction

What is Shamanic Extraction?

Shamanic extraction releases foreign energies that have been with us for a long time but do not belong to us.  

When we remove the foreign energy, the associated negative feelings (such as fear, anger, sadness), limiting beliefs, old patterns, and behaviors can change quickly.

There are two types of foreign energies:

  • Toxic energies that have taken the form of a material object, like a crystal.
    • These crystallized energies embed themselves in the physical body.
  • Toxic entities that are trapped between this world and the world of spirit.
    • These entities embed themselves in the central nervous system and can cause both psychological and physical problems.

Shamanic Extraction for crystallized energies

High-level process:

  • First, I scan the energy field with my hands by passing them a few centimeters above the body.
  • A sensation of heat or cold is the first indication that crystallized energy may be present.
  • Then, I focus on the area where I feel a heat/cold sensation and make sure that the crystallized energy is present.
  • I gather the crystallized energy slowly and flick it to the Earth.
  • When there is no remaining crystallized energy, I proceed to the Shamanic illumination process.

Shamanic Extraction for toxic entities

High-level process:

  • First, I run some energy through the client’s spine to dislodge the toxic entity.
  • Then, I hold my extraction crystal in my right hand and the client’s left hand. I will move the foreign entity out from the client’s body to this crystal.
  • I move the toxic entity slowly to the extraction crystal.
  • When the foreign entity has been removed from the client’s body, I start the Shamanic illumination process.

Shamanic extraction is always followed by the illumination process to release the affinities that attracted the crystallized energies and toxic entities.

After Shamanic Extraction

The extraction process is deep and can bring profound healing rapidly.

It can release feelings, behaviors, and patterns that have been foreign to us as well as emotional outbursts that you have not resolved for years.

A client once told me, “I feel possessed by something, it is really hard to control my outbursts”. After the first extraction, the emotional outbursts were eliminated.

With Shamanic Extraction we also treat body aches by eliminating the symptoms and healing the root cause.