Throat Chakra Healing will help you speak your truth and express your feelings.
What is Throat Chakra?
Chakras are wheels of light that rotate clockwise outside the physical body.
They are the organs of the energy field and play a critical role in the flow of energy in the body.
The throat Chakra is the fifth chakra and the last of the Earth Chakras.
It is located at the hollow of the throat and is represented by the color blue and by the light element.
In Sanskrit it is called “Vishuddha” and is known by the following names:
- Fifth chakra
- Throat chakra
- Blue chakra
- Vishuddha chakra
Throat Chakra Meaning
Throat chakra is connected to:
- Communication
- Ability to speak your truth.
- Express fearlessly your emotional, phycological, psychic, and spiritual aspects.
- Creativity
This energy center corresponds to the ages of twenty-one to twenty-five.
Blocked Throat Chakra Symptoms
When the throat chakra becomes imbalanced various physical and emotional issues may occur.
Emotional issues:
- Feel fearful about expressing your thoughts and emotions.
- Stressed and anxious about speaking your truth.
- You lie.
- You hide your emotions and actions from your friends and family.
- You experience emotional outbursts or you are extremely quiet.
- Cannot listen to others to conversions.
- You have the need to be “right” in any conversation.
- Gossiping about other affairs.
- Self-criticism and highly critical of others.
Physical issues:
- Sleep disorders.
- Issues with throat, mouth, neck, and thyroid. Such as sore throat, stiff neck, and mouth ulcers.
- Metabolic disorders.
How to Unblock Throat Chakra?
Shamanic techniques can help you clear your throat chakra by:
- Removing the toxic energy and sludge stuck to it.
- Extracting toxic crystalized energies penetrated it.
- Cutting energetic cords linked to it.
- Clearing the imprints of trauma from your Energy Field
Emotional and Physical symptoms of Throat Chakra opening
- You express yourself.
- You speak your truth and express your thoughts and emotions fearlessly.
- You pursue, envision, and manifest your dreams.
- You have faith in the boundless possibilities of life.
- Smooth communication and great ability to listen to others.
- Your creative aspects boost.
- Thyroid and metabolic disorders disappear.
- Neck, mouth, and throat-related issues subside.