Anxiety Treatment

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anxiety treatment

Anxiety Treatment is one of the most common requests of clients and friends.

They often ask me:

  • “How to overcome and get rid of Anxiety?”
  • “How to relieve Anxiety symptoms?”
  • “What are the natural remedies for Anxiety?”

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is the feeling of excessive and persistent worries, overthinking, and fear, without apparent reason.

Is your mind always busy and cannot focus on anything other than the worries?

Do you feel constantly nervous, restless, and irritable?

These are some typical signs of Anxiety.

While Stress has similar characteristics, Anxiety does not fade away even when the stressor fades away.

Causes of Anxiety

Some common causes of Anxiety are:

How to Treat Anxiety?

When Chronic Stress causes Anxiety:

When we experience Stress, the Fight or Flight response switches on and starts releasing stress hormones (cortisol, adrenaline) into the bloodstream.

In the case of Chronic Stress, the Fight or Flight mode can stay activated for years flooding our body with stress hormones.

I have seen clients who have been stuck in this mode for their whole life.

Using the Decoupling process we calm the Fight or Flight mode and stop the adrenals from releasing the toxic stress hormones.

After a few minutes, the client experiences a deep sense of calmness, relaxation, and serenity.

So, we treat Chronic Stress, which is the underlying cause, and then, the Anxiety Symptoms ease too.

When Trauma causes Anxiety:

Trauma from past negative experiences, Limiting Beliefs, and Toxic Relationships are some of the causes of Anxiety.

You may relieve a traumatic event of the past or be constantly exposed to the judgment of a toxic lover or simply your head is saying all the time “I am not good enough”.

These typical conditions can trigger an Anxiety response.

Shamanic Healing can help you identify and overcome effectively the causes of Anxiety.

When the root causes are healed, you can overcome Anxiety and start seeing life from a peaceful perspective.

Give yourself a chance to Live an Anxiety Free Life!