Stress Relief

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stress relief shamanic healing

Stress relief tends to be a real challenge for more and more people.

Clients often ask me:

  • “How can I reduce stress?”
  • “How to manage stress?”
  • “How to lower cortisol?”
  • “How can I calm and break my Fight Flight Freeze response?”

Let’s examine the main aspects of stress.

What is Stress?

Stress is the feeling of pressure, tension, and worry.

It is your mind’s and body’s reaction to an external or internal event.

The economic or political situation, the health crisis, the monthly mortgage or rent payment, or your lover’s behavior are all external events that can trigger a stress reaction.

Negative thinking and self-talk, low self-esteem attitude, and self-doubt are some examples of internal events that can switch on your stress reaction.

What emotions are behind stress?

Fear is usually the underlying feeling of stress.

When you worry about your mortgage payment, it is the stress reaction that appears on the surface, while the fear is lying beneath.

Simply said, you are afraid that you will not be able to make your mortgage payment on time.

Fear is the main enemy of the Shamans.

They have identified millennia ago that fear prevents us from seeing the world or ourselves in a larger context.

Causes of Stress

The common causes of stress are:

  • Health issues
  • Work-related issues
  • Issues with your loved ones
  • Emotional and mental problems (i.e. Anxiety, Depression, Isolation, Loneliness)
  • Low self-esteem
  • Traumas from past negative experiences
  • Negative thinking
  • Toxic Relationships
  • Limiting Beliefs

How to reduce stress?

When stress appears, the Fight or Flight response switches on and our body starts releasing stress hormones (cortisol, adrenaline) into the bloodstream.

To stop the adrenals from releasing toxic stress hormones, we use the Decoupling process.

Using this ancient Shamanic Healing technique, we calm the second chakra and instruct the body to stop releasing cortisol and adrenaline.

This is one of the most effective stress relief tools.

After a few minutes, the client experiences a deep sense of calmness, and relaxation and can start enjoying life from a stress-free perspective.

Shamanic Healing practices can help you reduce and relieve Stress as well as heal the underlying causes of stress.

Take the Leap and Enjoy a Stress-Free life!