Shamanic Healing Services

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The below sections outline the fundamental principles and techniques/services of shamanic healing. Sessions may consist of one or more of these techniques.

Feel free to review them to gain a better understanding of the healing approach and methodology. You don’t need to choose a technique yourself; I will utilize the appropriate approach based on the specific issues you wish to address.

Luminous Energy Field

luminous energy field

Shamanic Healing Services work directly with the Luminous Energy Field (LEF).

Luminous Energy Field (LEF) surrounds our physical body and informs our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual world.

Both positive and negative experiences continually inform our energy field during our lives.

Negative experiences create bundles of dark energy (imprints) in the energy field that look like scratch marks.

shamanic chakra healing process

The chakras are the organs or the energy centers of our energy field.

The information contained in imprints (bundles of dark energy) in our energy field is transmitted through the chakras into our nervous system and creates physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual disorders.

Positive experiences do not leave a mark on our luminous field; peace, love, and serenity are the jet fuel of the field, energizing the soul and the spirit.

Learn more about the luminous energy field here.

I offer, among others, the following Shamanic Healing Services:

Shamanic Decoupling

shamanic healing for stress, anxiety and fear relief

Fight or flight response is a physiological reaction that takes place in response to a fearful event.

It usually involves accelerated heart rate, fast breathing, extreme stress and anxiety.

After a traumatic event, the fight or flight response switches on for many humans, and they may become stuck in this mode for the rest of their lives.

This response can keep you feeling unsafe and unprotected in the world.

The following symptoms usually indicate that your fight or flight response is activated:

  • Increased heart rate.
  • Rapid breathing.
  • Feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety.
  • Muscle tension.
  • A sense of alertness.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Digestion problems.

With the decoupling process, we calm the fight or flight response so that you can release stress, fear, and anxiety.

After the session, you get back to peace, serenity, and relaxation.

Learn more about the decoupling process here.

Shamanic Illumination

shamanic illumination

With the illumination process, we clean the toxic energy around a chakra (chakra healing process) and clear the imprints (bundles of dark energy) in the energy field.

When an imprint is erased and the chakras are cleansed, negative feelings (such as fear, anger, sadness, grief, loneliness, futility, abandonment) and trauma can be released rapidly.

The Illumination process can also help you overcome limiting beliefs, heal from toxic relationships, and change old patterns and behaviors. This ancient practice is the foundation of shamanic healing services.

Learn more about the illumination process here.

Shamanic Extraction

shamanic extraction

With the extraction process, we remove intrusive entities and crystallized energies that have been within us for a long time.

The extraction process brings rapid transformation and relief from feelings, behaviors, and energies that are foreign.

This technique can also help you resolve emotional outbursts and treat body aches that have been with you for years.

Learn more about the extraction process here and here.

Cord Cutting Ritual

cord cutting ritual

When we form attachments to someone or something, energetic cords are created.

Through these energetic cords, we unintentionally exchange dark energies and toxic emotions, leaving us feeling empty and drained.

The following signs are typical indications of a toxic energetic cord:

  • You feel empty, insignificant, and exhausted after spending time with certain friends or relatives.
  • You find it challenging to be yourself and express your opinions during gatherings with friends and family.
  • Despite having close friends and partners, you feel unsupported and alone.
  • Certain individuals consistently cause you stress and trigger negative emotions such as guilt, sadness, and fear.

A cord-cutting ceremony serves to release the emotional attachments that keep us trapped in pain and suffering.

By removing the energetic cord, we liberate ourselves from toxic relationships and embark on an epic journey of life filled with love and serenity.

Learn more about the cord cutting ritual here.

Soul Retrieval

soul journeying and retrieval

Parts of our soul and self may leave because of trauma and negative experiences.

In an environment of darkness, and pain certain soul parts will fragment as a means for the individual to adapt and survive.

The typical signs of soul loss are as follows:

  • You struggle to feel fully present and embodied.
  • Overthinking and overanalyzing become habitual.
  • You find yourself repeatedly experiencing the same negative emotions, such as fear, sadness, anger, or other recurring negative patterns.
  • Negative thoughts persistently occupy your mind.
  • You have a sense of not belonging in this world.
  • There is a feeling of not being whole or always sensing that something is missing.
  • You struggle to connect with both yourself and others.

With Soul Retrieval, I journey on your behalf to recover the fragmented soul parts that have been patiently awaiting reintegration, bringing forth valuable gifts along the way.

This beautiful process brings about a deep sense of wholeness, peace, and serenity.

Learn more about the soul retrieval process here, the benefits of Soul Retrieval here, and soul loss here.

Breaking Soul Ties

breaking soul ties

Soul ties are profound emotional and spiritual bonds formed between individuals at the soul level.

They are typically created through intense relationships, profound life experiences, or traumatic events. These ties can result in emotional imbalances and mental health issues.

Breaking the soul tie is an effective pathway toward liberation.

Learn more about the process of breaking soul ties here.

Power Retrieval

power retrieval

Power retrieval is a shamanic technique that aims to retrieve your lost life force, energy, and power.

If you experience a range of symptoms that suggest a disconnection from your personal power, a Power Retrieval will help you recover your vitality.

The following typical indicators usually signal the need for a Shamanic Power Retrieval:

  • Feeling drained and exhausted.
  • Constant feelings of anxiety, anger, or depression.
  • Difficulty setting boundaries.
  • Feeling lost, confused, and overwhelmed without a clear direction in life.
  • Recurring negative patterns.

Learn more about the power retrieval process here.



Despacho is an offering to the Spirit World that is usually prepared by Q’ero lineage of Peru, to honor important life events, restore balance and reciprocity, or have specific request to the Spirit world.

This offering and profound ceremony are supplemental to the healing sessions and bring rapid transformation.

Learn more about the Despacho Ceremony here.

Shamanic Destiny Retrieval

destiny retrieval

Destiny is what will probably happen when we accept the calling we are born with and discover the meaning of our lives.

Fate is what will possibly happen when we ignore this calling.

With destiny retrieval, I guide you to retrieve a probable (not possible) destiny that will be aligned with your soul’s desire.

Power Animal Retrieval

power animal retrieval

Power animal retrieval is a shamanic practice where I guide you in discovering and connecting with your power animal.

A power animal offers guidance, and insights, and enhances your connection to the spiritual dimension.

Learn more about the power animal retrieval process here.

Shamanic Death Rites

When we die consciously, our soul can return to the spirit world in peace and serenity, while an unconscious death may let our soul lost and trapped between this world and the world of spirits.

With the death rites, we help those at the end of their life to die consciously.

Chakra Healing

Shamanic practices offer deep healing by eliminating the imprints of trauma from the energy field; they also provide the tools for profound chakra cleansing and balancing.

Shamanic healing can help restore the operation of your chakras and bring you back into harmony and calmness.

This profound healing approach will help you relieve stress, anxiety, and fear so that you can enjoy each moment of your life.

Space Clearing

space clearing

Space clearing is a profound shamanic technique to cleanse and harmonize the energy of your space (i.e. home, office, business, etc.).

This powerful practice purifies the physical environment and addresses energetic imbalances, emotional wounds, and spiritual disharmony.

It allows you to turn your home or office into a sacred space that nurtures your soul, boosts your well-being, and promotes positive energy flow.

Learn more about the space clearing ritual here.

Ancestral Healing

ancestral healing

Ancestral healing is a transformative process that involves acknowledging and addressing the energetic imprints and unresolved trauma passed down through generations within a family lineage.

It allows you to break free from repetitive cycles, and heal from health issues and mental disorders passed down from your ancestors.

This deep healing approach will also help you establish a sense of wholeness, empowerment, and a deeper connection with your ancestors.

Learn more about ancestral healing here.


Shamanic sessions will help you:

  • Treat Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Burnout, Panic/Eating Disorders, and Phobias.
  • Overcome Fear, Anger, and Sadness.
  • Heal from Trauma.
  • End and Heal from Toxic Relationships.

Have a look here for a complete list of the benefits.

What to expect

what to expect in a shamanic healing session

The typical flow of the Shamanic Healing Session is the following:

In the beginning, we engage in a discussion about the issue you would like to address.

Following, I invite you to recline, close your eyes, and concentrate on your breath as I initiate the healing process.

During the session, there is no specific action required from you. Simply relax and allow yourself to experience the healing. I will guide you through the process. After a few minutes, you will begin to feel a sense of calmness and peace, as your mind becomes clear. It is akin to entering a deep meditative state, yet you will remain fully present and aware of the process.

At every step of the session, I will describe the process to ensure that you are fully aware of the techniques I am employing.

The session lasts for 1 hour. After the first session, I will provide a suggested plan for future sessions, if needed.

After the session, you are more than welcome to reach out to me and share any questions, concerns, or your progress and insights. It is always my pleasure to answer your questions, listen to your progress, and offer guidance.

Remote-Distance Shamanic Healing

distance shamanic healing

Shamanic Healing practices take place outside of the ordinary physical reality.

The limitations of space and time do not apply, and the healing sessions are equally effective and successful.

Learn more about the benefits of Distance Shamanic Healing Sessions here.


Shamanic healing techniques can help your pet/animal overcome health issues and mental disorders. Similar to the human body, an animal’s physical body is surrounded by an invisible energy field that contains information about her/his health and mental issues.

Shamanic tools cleanse the information of traumatic events from your pet’s/animal’s energy field so that deep healing can happen.

Additional resources

If you have any questions about the offered shamanic healing services offered, feel free to contact me here.

You can also check out the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section here or explore the Blog for more information here.